CRank: 5Score: 9890

I somehow get the feeling that MS could have pulled this off even without the price drop. Halo3 is making some serious noise and people are buying 360's just to play it. I overheard some reps from T-Mobile say they bought it just for that reason while i was paying my cell bill yesterday. Coupling a Flagship game along with a price drop was a brilliant business move. A sure fire way to ensure user growth. Respect.

6115d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

AAAAANNNNDDD they brought my boy Eddy BACK! I miss playing Tekken and I'm stoked for 6. Looks Sweet

6115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds more like an obituary

6115d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but can we get another price drop Sony? You get ALL this(stuff in the brochure)for only $450!! and watch'em come running.

Seriously though, it could be a way to make some comparisons to high light PS3 advantages vs Wii and 360.

Example: Consumer wants a console for gaming and hi end dvd. Alot of people dont know that its $179 for an external HD DVD drive for 360 so that could possibly help validate the cost(which i still think they should drop). That would be WAA...

6115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obvious MS Fanboyism no doubt but the way he finessed it was clever, funny, and amusing. Good one Azeon, that was a nice read.

6115d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well put Sir. Heres a guy who gets it.

6115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. MOSTLY. For I dont see the Wii as one legged. I think each console is bring something special to the table and I like them all for the their respected strengths.

However, you are right when you say that Sony has work to do. I cant understand why people get mad or offended when people speak the truth. I REALLY want them to succeed for I plan to buy a PS3 in November if Uncharted is as awsome as I hope it is. I already want Heavenly Sword, BAD! and Warhawk seems great. ...

6115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can throw around and add and subtract all the numbers you want guy. I have seen it all before. You get too deep into a hole and you will find yourself stuck at the bottom with no way out. I'm not going to throw a bunch of numbers out to prove a point. I will say however take a look at Nintendos track record before the Wii. N64? 3rd place. Gamecube? 3rd place. Why because Nintendo refused to fix what was broken mainly little to no mature content. This time around they are pretty much tryin...

6115d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

August hasnt been kind to Sony but hind sight is 20 20 and they are gaining momentum in spurts and they ARE selling more systems. Lets face it tho, with Halo3 on the horizon and Uncharted shipping in the same month as Super Mario Galaxy... it just doesnt look to good for Sony for the remainder of 07.

Its frustrating to me because I really want them to do well. Its bothering me that a company of this size, financial wealth, and reputation is struggling with something thats so ea...

6115d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

With Heavenly Sword not having DLC. I guess it would have been nice but I have a bit of a hang up on DLC anyways. Its like Devs saying we didnt have time to include this here extra material that we could have included if we wanted to for free but we will sale it to you for x amount of dollars.

All I can say about HS is that it must really be a complete game and thats a good thing.

I'm certain that most... NOT ALL, DLC is just leftover sh!t that they didnt have ti...

6115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My NPD numbers indicate that 2 sexy asses stacked on top of eachother are better than 1 and even 2 sexy asses unstacked 8D

6115d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

3rd Agree.

6116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Serious? Did it really look like a PS2 game? maybe your cousin told you his PS2 was a PS3 and you were gullible enough to believe him, much like you think we're gullible enough to believe RR7 looks like a PS3 game. Stop makin an ass out yourself please.

6116d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

interesting if it really works. I never played RR for PS3 but its one of my favorite racing franchises. BD

6116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup. Looks alot better than it originally did and I'm glad Sega pushed it back. I hope they dont mess this one up because its really a must have, atleast for me. I just hope thet take all the time they need to tweak it just right.

6116d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If its a 360 exclusive so be it. It looks to be shaping up to be something special and the fact that MS published NG2 DOES ensure that we wont be seeing this bad boy on PS3.

Sigma2 for PS3 could show up some where down the line but seeing as though the original was never touched by Itagaki himeself, I doubt if the sequel would be. so 360 has NG2 and PS3 has MGS4. Everybody should be happy :)

6116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

curious as to why MS felt the need to comment on such a thing. Were they contacted by N4G for comment?

6116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everyone knows that the Xbox360 and PS3 are more "powerful" than the "tiny" Wii. Thing is only hardcore gamers care about how powerful a console is and there are even some HC who dont care. As console gamers, we are aware that Hi-end PC's are more powerful than our consoles, so, are we idiots as well? No sir. People play what they enjoy playing. Stop hatin and do you

6116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can see playing this on a lazy sunday afternoon after watching my beloved Raiders get thier ass kicked. seems like it could really calm me down and relax me. I like the idea of that.

6116d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was just gettin started

6117d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment